Easy to digitize printed text and translate it
Recognize text in 60+ languages in real time
Instantly capture text from live video stream or photo. The result turns into action: links, phone numbers, email addresses, street addresses, times and dates become clickable. You can follow, call, email, find on maps and create events. Recognition is performed on device, no Internet connection needed.

Translate text on camera screen
Real-Time Translation directly on the camera screen without taking photos into 100+ languages online (full-text translation) and 10 languages offline (word-by-word translation). With TextGrabber, you can digitize and translate books, manuals, ads, a computer or TV screen – virtually any text!
Translate text on camera screen
Real-Time Translation directly on the camera screen without taking photos into 100+ languages online (full-text translation) and 10 languages offline (word-by-word translation). With TextGrabber, you can digitize and translate books, manuals, ads, a computer or TV screen – virtually any text!

Read QR codes and share results
Select the QR code reader mode and easily scan QR codes. All captured data can be edited, copied, read using VoiceOver, used as a search query, and shared in any way you prefer.

Your archive is always at hand
Never lose recognized and translated texts and QR codes – all your results are saved in History, where you can easily read, combine or delete them.
Your archive is always at hand
Never lose recognized texts and QR codes – all your results are saved in History, where you can easily read, combine or delete them.

What people are saying about us
It’s amazing
It’s amazing how this app is still free. I cannot count anymore the number of times this app has saved me and turned my work so much easier to do. I would gladly pay for this app just for the ocr. Paying for the translation feature however does not make sense to me, having Google translator do it for free. Make a full ocr option for uploaded text pdf documents with an output in word format and I will pay for that.
So easy and accurate
Makes note taking a breeze. Ease of use is by design and the text translation accuracy is great.
Recognition languages
Online full-text translation
Offline word-by-word translation
More awesome tools for your productivity
ABBYY FineReader PDF for iOS
Create PDF and JPEG files and apply OCR to recognize texts in 193 languages.